
Wednesday 30 December 2015

Tuesday 29 December 2015

नया कंप्यूटर खरीदने से पहले कुछ बातों पर ध्‍यान दें

चुकिं कंप्यूटर क्षेत्र में रोज नई तकनीकेँ बाजार मेँ आ रही है इसलिए यह फैसला करना कि कौन सा कंप्यूटर खरीदा जाए कौन सा कंप्यूटर अच्छा है बहुत मुश्किल होता है, अगर अाप बाजार से नया कम्‍प्‍यूटर ख्‍ारीदने की सोच रहे हैं तो खरीदारी से पहले कुछ बेसिक बातेँ लें हो सकता है कि आपकी कंप्यूटर की खरीदारी आसान हो जाये - 

क्या लें लेपटॉप या डेस्कटॉप

लैपटॉप बेहतर है या डेस्‍कटॉप, इस विषय पर भी बहुत लम्‍बी बहस हो सकती है। दोनों की ही अपनी-अपनी विशेषतायें हैं साथ ही कुछ परेशानियॉ भी जुडी हुई हैं, जैसे कि डेस्‍कटॉप को आप लैपटॉप की तरह कहीं भी बैग में रखकर ले जा नहीं सकते हैं, ऐसे ही लैपटॉप का की-बोर्ड और माउस खराब होने पर बाजार से तुरंत खरीदकर अपना काम शुरू नहीं कर सकते हैं। फिर ऐसे में कौन बेहतर है और किसका चुनाव करना चाहिये, सीधी सी बात है डेस्‍कटॉप देखने में भले ही भारी भरकम और बडा होता है लेकिन उसका मेंटेनेंस उतना ही सस्‍ता और अासान होता है जबकि इसके विपरीत लैपटॉप का मेंटेनेंस कहीं मॅहगा होता है, लैपटाॅप, डेस्‍कटॉप के मुकाबले एक नाजुक उपकरण है, लेकिन पोर्टेबल भी है। तो अगर आपके काम से हिसाब से आपको लगता है कि आपको ऐसे पोर्टेबल उपकरण की आवश्‍यकता है जो आपके साथ कहीं जा सके तो लैपटॉप लें, अगर नहीं तो आप डेस्‍कटॉप का चुनाव करें। 


बाजार में आजकल बहुत उन्‍नत किस्‍म के प्रोसेसर उपलब्‍ध है, जैसे कोर आइ5, कोर आइ7 अगर अाप घरेलू यूजर हैं तो आपको इन प्रोसेसर की गति का अन्‍तर पता भी नहीं चलेगा, घरेलू काम के लिये आप कोर आइ3 या ड्यूल कोर का भी चुनाव कर सकते हैं, कोर आइ5, कोर आइ7 के मुकाबले यह काफी सस्‍ते होते हैं।


रैम आपके कंप्‍यूटर को वर्किग स्‍पेस देती है, अगर सीधी भाषा में कहें तो आपके कंप्‍यूटर रैम जितनी ज्‍यादा है हैंग होने की संभावना उतनी ही कम होती है, वैसे आजकल 2 GB से कम तो किसी लैपटॉप अौर कंम्‍प्‍यूटर में आ ही नहीं रही है, लेकिन अगर आप और भी अच्‍छी स्‍पीड चाहते हैं तो आप  4 GB रैम का चुनाव कर सकते हैं।

ग्राफिक कार्ड

सभी मदरबोर्ड के साथ ही ग्राफिक कार्ड इनबिल्‍ट आता है, जिससे आप बेव ब्राउजिंग, मूवी और गेम्‍स का अानन्‍द लैपटॉप उठा पाते हैं, इसलिये अगर आपको अपने रोजमर्रा के काम जैसे एम0एस0 ऑफिस के अलावा बेव ब्राउजिंग, मूवी और गेम्‍स खेलने हैं तो आपको ग्राफिक कार्ड के बारे में ज्‍यादा सोचने के जरूरत नहीं है। 

हार्ड डिस्क ड्राइव

घर और ऑफिस के काम में बडा ही अंतर होता है। ऑफिस में आप ज्‍यादातर वर्ड, एक्‍सल जैसी एप्‍लीकेशन पर काम करते हैं, इनकी फाइलें ज्‍यादा जगह नहीं घेरती हैं लेकिन घर में आप कंप्‍यूटर में काम के साथ-साथ गेम्‍स, फोटो, मूवी भी स्‍टोर करते हैं, जिसके लिये आपको ज्‍यादा स्‍पेस की जरूरत होती है। वैसे भी अगर आप केवल अब मोबाइल के फोटाे और वीडियो की क्‍वालिटी भी हाई होती जा रही है और अगर आप उनके फोटो और वीडियो भी कंप्‍यूटर में स्‍टोर करें तो आपको ज्‍यादा स्‍पेस वाली हार्डडिस्‍क का चुनाव करना होगा,  इसलिये हार्ड डिस्क ड्राइव का चुनाव बडा ही सोच समझकर करें, आजकल 500जीबी से लेकर 2000 जीबी तक की हार्डडिस्‍क बाजार में उपलब्‍ध है। 

स्‍क्रीन साइज 

बहुत से व्‍यक्ति लैपटॉप का चुनाव स्‍क्रीन साइज से करते हैं, लेकिन लैपटॉप का चुनाव स्‍क्रीन साइज को देखकर कभी ना करें, एक तो स्‍क्रीन साइज बडा होने से लैपटॉप भारी हो सकता है, साथ ही अगर डिस्प्ले कम रेज्योलूशन वाला हुआ तो कंप्यूटिंग एक्सपीरिएंस खराब भी हो सकता है। इसलिये अच्‍छे रेज्योलूशन वाला स्‍क्रीन ही पसंद करें, अगर अच्‍छा दिखाई नहीं दिया तो आपका पैसा वेस्‍टेज ही समझिये। स्क्रीन रेज्योलूशन जरूर देखें। डेस्‍कटॉप के लिये आप अपनी सुविधानुसार स्‍क्रीन साइज का चुनाव कर सकते हैं, वैसे मीडियम साइज 18.5 इंज का डिस्‍प्‍ले बिलकुल सही होता है, लेकिन अगर आपको कंम्‍प्‍यूटर पर मूवी देखने का शौक है या आप उस पर टीवी ट्यूनर लगाकर टीवी देखना चाहते हैं तो 22 इंच का साइज पर्याप्‍त है।

वाईफाई कनैक्टिविटी 

इन्‍टरनेट प्रयोग करने के लिये वाई फाई नेटवर्क आम बन गया है, वाई फाई की सहायता से इंटरनेट श्‍ोयर करना भी बहुत आसान हो गया है अब अाप किसी भी फोन को वाई-फाई राउटर या हॉटस्‍पाट में बदलकर आसानी से इंटरनेट शेयर कर सकते हैं, इतना ही नहीं आप अन्‍य उपकरणों को भी वाई फाई की सहायता से कमाण्‍ड आदि दे सकते हैं, अब तो वाई फाई प्रिंटर का भी चलन शुरू हो गया है, वाई फाई से ब्‍लूटूथ की तुलना में कई गुना तेजी से डाटा ट्रान्‍सफर किया जा सकता है, यह 1 सेकेण्‍ड में 60 MB डाटा ट्रान्‍सफर कर सकता है, इसलिये कंप्‍यूटर और लैपटॉप खरीदने से पहले यह जरूर चैक करें कि उसमें वाईफाई कनैक्टिविटी है या नहीं। 

Tuesday 22 December 2015



A GD is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. In this methodology, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss it among themselves for 10-15 minutes.
Some of the personality traits the GD is trying to gauge may include:
  • Ability to work in a team            
  • Communication skills
  • Reasoning ability
  • Leadership skills
  • Initiative
  • Assertiveness
  • Flexibility
  • Creativity
  • Ability to think on one's feet
Improving GD Skills
Asking questions and joining in discussions are important skills. If you find it difficult to speak or ask questions, try the following.

A. Observe
If you are weak in required GD Skills, start with observing others whether in class or outside:
  • How do other students make critical comments?
  • How do they ask questions?
  • How do they disagree with or support arguments?
  • What special phrases do they use to show politeness even when they are voicing disagreement?
  • How do they signal to interrupt, ask a question or make a point?
B. Practice
Start practicing your discussion skills in an informal setting or with a small group. Start with asking questions of fellow students. Ask them about the course material. Ask for their opinions. Ask for information or ask for help.

C. Participate
Take every opportunity to take part in social/informal discussions as well as more structured/formal discussions. Start by making small contributions to classroom discussions; prepare a question to ask, or agree with another speaker's remarks.

  Discussion Etiquette 
(Minding Your Manners)
  • Speak pleasantly and politely to the group.
  • Respect the contribution of every speaker.
  • Remember that a discussion is not an argument. Learn to disagree politely.
  • Think about your contribution before you speak. How best can you answer the question/ contribute to the topic?
  • Try to stick to the discussion topic. Don't introduce irrelevant information.
  • Be aware of your body language when you are speaking.
  • Agree with and acknowledge what you find interesting.
  • Lose your temper. A discussion is not an argument.
  • Shout. Use a moderate tone and medium pitch.
  • Use too many gestures when you speak. Gestures like finger pointing and table thumping can appear aggressive.
  • Dominate the discussion. Confident speakers should allow quieter students a chance to contribute.
  • Draw too much on personal experience or anecdote.
  • Interrupt. Wait for a speaker to finish what they are saying before you speak.  

Note: Leading a Discussion: You may be in a group that requires you to lead a group discussion, or lead a discussion after an oral presentation. You can demonstrate leadership by: a. Introducing yourself and the members of the group, b. Stating the purpose of the discussion, c. Inviting quiet group members to speak, d. Being objective, e. Summarizing the discussion .

[Valuable GD Tips]

  1. Be as natural as possible. Do not try and be someone you are not. Be yourself.
  2. A group discussion is your chance to be more vocal. The evaluator wants to hear you speak.
  3. Take time to organize your thoughts. Think of what you are going to say.
  4. Seek clarification if you have any doubts regarding the subject.
  5. Don't start speaking until you have clearly understood and analyzed the subject.
  6. Work out various strategies to help you make an entry: initiate the discussion or appreciate someone's point and then move onto express your views.
  7. Opening the discussion is not the only way of gaining attention and recognition. If you do not give valuable insights during the discussion, all your efforts of initiating the discussion will be in vain.
  8. Your body language says a lot about you - your gestures and mannerisms are more likely to reflect your attitude than what you say.
  9. Language skills are important only to the effect as to how you get your points across clearly and fluently.
  10. Be assertive not dominating; try to maintain a balanced tone in your discussion and analysis.
  11. Don't lose your cool if anyone says anything you object to. The key is to stay objective: Don't take the discussion personally.
  12. Always be polite: Try to avoid using extreme phrases like: `I strongly object' or `I disagree'. Instead try phrases like: `I would like to share my views on…' or `One difference between your point and mine…' or "I beg to differ with you"
  13. Brush up on your leadership skills; motivate the other members of the team to speak (this surely does not mean that the only thing that you do in the GD is to say "let us hear what KIran has to say," or "Raghu, let us hear your views" - Essentially be subtle), and listen to their views. Be receptive to others' opinions and do not be abrasive or aggressive.
  14. If you have a group of like-minded friends, you can have a mock group discussion where you can learn from each other through giving and receiving feedback.
  15. Apart from the above points, the panel will also judge team members for their alertness and presence of mind, problem-solving abilities, ability to work as a team without alienating certain members, and creativity.
- Don't Forget -

  • Knowledge is strength. A candidate with good reading habits has more chances of success. In other words, sound knowledge on different topics like politics, finance, economy, science and technology is helpful.
  • Power to convince effectively is another quality that makes you stand out among others.
  • Clarity in speech and expression is yet another essential quality.
  • If you are not sure about the topic of discussion, it is better not to initiate. Lack of knowledge or wrong approach creates a bad impression. Instead, you might adopt the wait and watch attitude. Listen attentively to others, may be you would be able to come up with a point or two later.
  • A GD is a formal occasion where slang is to be avoided.
  • A GD is not a debating stage. Participants should confine themselves to express their viewpoints. In the second part of the discussion candidates can exercise their choice in agreeing, disagreeing or remaining neutral.
  • Language used should be simple, direct and straight forward.
  • Don't interrupt a speaker when the session is on. Try to score by increasing your size, not by cutting others short.
  • Maintain rapport with fellow participants. Eye contact plays a major role. Non-verbal gestures, such as listening intently or nodding while appreciating someone's viewpoint speak of you positively.
  • Communicate with each and every candidate present. While speaking don't keep looking at a single member. Address the entire group in such a way that everyone feels you are speaking to him or her.


  • If you are not sure about the topic of discussion, it’s better not to initiate. Lack of knowledge or wrong approach creates a bad impression. Instead, you might adopt the ‘Wait & Watch’ attitude. Listen attentively to others, may be you would be able to come up with a point or two later.
  • A GD is a formal occasion where slangs are to be avoided.Language used should be simple, direct and straight forward. 
  • Knowledge is strength. A candidate with good reading habits has more chances of success.
  • Power to convince effectively is another quality that makes you stand out among others.
  • Clarity in speech and expression is yet another essential trait. 
  • A GD is not a debating stage. Participants should confine themselves to express their viewpoints. In the second part of the discussion candidates can exercise their choice in agreeing, disagreeing or remaining neutral. 
  • Don't interrupt a speaker when the session is on. Try to score by increasing the size and quality of your discussion; not by cutting others short. 
  • Maintain rapport with fellow participants. Eye contact plays a major role. Non-verbal gestures, such as listening intently or nodding while appreciating someone's viewpoint speak of you positively. 
  • Communicate with each and every candidate present. While speaking don't keep looking at a single member. Address the entire group in such a way that everyone feels you are speaking to him or her.
- G.D. Dos -

 a. Define the Topic/ Issue and Interpret It.
b. Keep Your Points Simple and Understandable to Others.
c. Be Polite and Courteous.
d. Maintain Friendly and Pleasant Atmosphere throughout the GD.
e. Be Clear in Expressing Your Point of View.
f. Look at and Address all the Group Members of while Expressing Your Point of View.
g. Emphasize the Points which You Consider Significant.
h. Be brief and Speak with Proper Pronunciation.
i. Keep the Discussion on Track.
j. Keep Your Mind Focused all the time on What was being said.
k. Intervene Politely.
l. Try to Conclude within the Scheduled Time.
m. Summarize the Main Points at the end. 

- G.D. Don’ts -

a. Neither Raise Your Voice too High Nor Speak too Softly
b. Don’t Become Monotonous.
c. Don’t Show Emotional Outburst.
d. Don’t Display Over-excitement or Anger.
e. Don’t Become Aggressive in Presenting Your Views.
f. Don’t Become Autocratic.
g. Don’t Encourage Personal Conflicts.
h. Don’t Jump to Conclusions too Quickly.

List of Frequently Asked GD Topics
• Position of Women in India compared to other nations. 
• India or west , which is the land of opportunities
• Effect of cinema on Youth 
• Education in India compared to Foreign nations 
• Environment - Whose Responsibility?
• About Hockey being the primary game in India. 
• Advantages of Co-education. 
• Is Globalization Really Necessary? 
• What shall we do about our ever-increasing Population? 
• Corruption is the price we pay for Democracy. 
• Is dependence on computers a good thing? 
• Should the public sector be privatized? 
• China and India are similar nations with contrasting ways 
• Value based politics is the need of the hour 
• Reservation: legacy of the British and has done more harm than good. 
• Cricket as a national obsession and detriment to other sports. 
• Advertising is a waste of resources. 
• Privatization will lead to less corruption. 
• Women are good managers.
• Indians perform better as individuals rather than in groups. 
• Business and ethics go hand in hand, or do they? 
• Developing countries should spend more on development than on defense.
• Money is required to earn more money. 
• Science: A Boon Or Bane
• All Work And No Play Make Jack A Dull Boy 
• Bullet For Bullet: Is It The Right Policy? 
• Brain-Drain Has To Be Stopped.
• Are women As good as Men Or Inferior? 
• Experience or Young Talent ?
• Education in India – burden or opportunity?
• Human relations vs. Materialistic things? 
• Money or fame? 
• Reality shows
• Study or extra curricular activity is the drive-force to success? 
• Machine over man or man over machine?
• Spiritualism is a curtain to crime?
• Theory or practical? 
• India: leader or follower in 21st century? 
• Team worker or a Leader? Who is most imp.?
• There is no right way to do a wrong thing.
• Do Beauty and Brains Go Together?

[7 Top Rules to STAND OUT in a G.D.]

"Written Tests are like a Sprint. It's about you and the track...Interviews are like Playing Golf. Its about you and the lay of the land...But, Group Discussion is similar to an American Soccer Match. If you have the ball in hand, 11 players pounce on you to prevent you from touching the goal line. If you follow the rules and understand your opponents, you can project the right image in a Group Discussion. Let's See How!

RULE 1: Prepare as many topics as you can. Practice mock discussions, preferably with differing groups of friends. Train your mind to think of the pros and cons with reference to different topics. More importantly, it is about looking at all the possible angles.

RULE 2: Carry a notepad and pen to note down the discussion points and participants' names. Addressing by name shows your people skills and presence of mind.

RULE 3: Let your body posture be of polite intensity so that you come across as a balanced individual with ample energy.

RULE 4: Take Charge of the discussion Right at the Beginning. It shows your Leadership Capability. Start the discussion by setting the framework, state your opening point and leave it to the group. Conclude the discussion by summing up if you can.

RULE 5: If you disagree, present your argument without aggression. You are not there to prove that your stand is right, but to show your maturity and capability to think logically.

RULE 6: Some companies expect you to stand for yourself in an aggressive environment. Know the company culture beforehand. Look out for yourself. But, do not take all the airtime. You will look immature and self-centred.
RULE 7: If another candidate is taking all the airtime, intervene when he pauses so that you can state your Point and pass on the chance to someone who hasn't had his say. Group discussions are as much about your point of view as about how you handle yourself."


 RESUME: 1.1
 What your résumé should cover:

  1. Your Details
  2. Education Background: include, school and college.
  3. Work Experiences: include internships, work experiences if any
  4. Skills: you can mention your online research ability, your proficiency in a foreign language or any Indian languages, computer skills, cross cultural sensitivity and why, organizational skills, etc.
  5. Credits: include all awards won; curricular and extra / co–curricular
What your résumé should leave out:

  1. Details – a résumé should be brief and concise; leave details for the interview
  2. Personal life stories
  3. Bad grammar – make sure you have your résumé checked by your peers before submission
  4. Vulgarity and abusive language
  5. Hobbies – these can be included if you have won accolades / awards for them otherwise let them be
Make Sure:

  1. If you have no work experience, your résumé SHOULD NOT be more than a single page
  2. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are correct.
  3. Send a cover letter along with your résumé
  4. Do not attach / send photographs.
  5. Carry extra copies of your résumé with you.

[Tips by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)]

Here’s what employers think about resumes, cover letters and thank you notes, according to a survey released by the Society for Human Resource Management. 

i. Two-thirds of hirers want chronological resumes listing your work history and education in reverse order. Four in 10 like bulleted formats. 

ii. Nearly nine in 10 want your resume tailored to the job or industry. No one size fits all.

iii. About one-third of government hirers said it’s a mistake to lack a cover letter, but only one-fifth of private-industry hirers would miss it.

iv. A good cover letter, if welcome, emphasises how you fit the job requirements and tells why you want to work in a certain organisation.

v. If you were fired or laid off, nearly eight in 10 hirers think you should explain that in a job interview.

vi. Gaps in your work history? About half said you don’t need to draw attention to or hide them. Just state facts, just the way they stand.

vii. Sixty-eight per cent of hirers prefer to get resumes through their websites. Email, job boards, postal mail and applicant tracking systems are less preferred.

viii. Human resource professionals said they spent less than five minutes per resume to decide whether an applicant proceeded further.

ix. Heavy use of applicant screening software means your resume must include key words from the job posting.

x. The biggest resume mistakes are grammatical and spelling errors and missing job history details or dates.

xi. Six in 10 think a thank you note is important after an interview. Make sure you send it. Half prefer emailed notes.

xii. As always, try to use personal contacts to discern what your target employer prefers. Opinions differ from organisation to organisation. There is no one way.

[Cover Letter Writing Skills]

While writing a cover letter the most important thing to keep in mind is the KISS rule: Keep It Simple Stupid. It always works!

A cover letter is meant to give a brief about you and your accomplishments and should make the interviewer want to read your résumé. Here are a few pointers to write a good cover letter:

1. Keep the letter short

2. Always address the letter properly; make sure your ‘To’ and ‘From’ addresses are correct.

3. Make sure you have the prefixes right. Is the person concerned a ‘Miss’ or ‘Mrs’; for a lady, if confused stick to ‘Ms.’ If you are not sure of the gender, then it is safest to write ‘Mr./Ms.’

4. Begin the body of the letter with a short note on your college and if it has achieved any laurels. E.g., “I am currently in the final year of ABC College. ABC college has been voted among the top 50 engineering colleges in the country and I am part of its XYZ course…”. . Even if it hasn’t, mention the name and where it is located.

5. The next note should be about where you heard about the company and why you would like to work for them (again in brief)

6. Finally end with telling then a couple of points as to why you suit the position and mention that résumé will support this.

7. Finally end the letter with a thank you and also with a ‘looking forward’ note, E.g., “I look forward to hearing from you soon.” And with “Best Regards/ Sincerely”. Finally sign / type your name.

It is very important that you do not sound verbose in your cover letter. Do not try to give your entire personal or professional data; your résumé is meant to do that. So good luck and start typing!


"Creating a customised CV for every job position that you wish to apply to is a necessity. Remember, there is no standard resume for all job roles! Simply copy pasting the contents of the same CV in every job application can be disastrous. Making a resume requires one to put in time and rest assured it is worth the effort. Also take feedback from friends and family on the contents that you plan to put in. Such feedback will not only give you invaluable perspective, but also help weed out the extraneous matter. Often the small things in a CV make a big difference. Providing juvenile email ids, including unnecessarily flamboyant statements, putting in irrelevant facts and mentioning your weaknesses in the resume are a strict no-no. You are what your CV represents. Think it through!"

~ Damayanti Bhattacharya, CEO, IIT-Bombay Alumni Association

"A person's achievements and accomplishments form a critical part of his/her resume. Try to communicate the extent of your knowledge and experience clearly in a specific and relevant manner. Portray your willingness to join the organisation. Most importantly, everything that you intend to put on your CV must be justifiable. Do not even attempt to misrepresent your qualifications, experience or even hobbies. You'll be caught. Always review the CV for spelling, grammar and formatting errors. The presentation of information in the CV is also critical. Keep the header simple and clean, with as little information as necessary. A personal email address, a home address and a mobile number is all the contact information you need to put in."

~ Ritesh Goel, Founder, HR Reflections

"Be clear about your professional goals and objectives before you attempt to write your CV. Formulate these objectives in a simple, yet well-worded manner. Having appropriate professional and personal references is another important aspect to bear in mind before writing a CV. Usually, giving a brief synopsis of the roles and responsibilities discharged in previous jobs will help the recruiter understand your skills set and abilities. For a fresher, focusing on projects that one has completed as part of the academic curriculum or otherwise is necessary. Additionally, the emphasis must be on the quality of work done, rather than just the number of projects handled. Be sure to keep the format consistent in the body of the CV. It is a bad idea to have varied font sizes, styles and colours. Remember, there is no hard and fast rule to CV formatting. Just try to keep it clean, yet visually appealing! Usually, laying out the resume in a way that your unique strengths are highlighted is the best approach.”

~ Subhashini Naikar, PDLC

Fashion Design is also an Career

Fashion design is the art of the application of design and aesthetics or natural beauty to clothing and accessories.

Is it is good option for me?

A career in fashion designing is right for you if you are talented and exude style in everything you do. You must also possess the ability be original and creative and love to make people look good. Further, you must be creative enough to combine colors, shades and textures and express your ideas through sketches. You must also visualize new design, patters, garments and accessories and enjoy working with fabrics and accessories.

Fashion Career Opportunities

  • Fashion Show Coordinator
  • Fashion Photography Coordinator
  • Fashion Consultant
  • Fashion Designer/Assistant Designer
  • Fashion Stylist
  • Production Supervisor
  • Fashion Merchandiser/Buyer
  • Quality Controller
  • Costume designer/Coordinator (for TV, Film, or Theatre)
  • Fashion Entrepreneur
  • Fashion Forecaster
  • Pattern Designer
  • Pattern Maker
  • Fashion Illustrator

World fashion industry

  • American fashion design
  • Belgian Fashion design
  • British fashion design
  • Canadian fashion design
  • French fashion design
  • German fashion design
  • Italian fashion design
  • Japanese fashion design
  • Soviet fashion design
  • Swiss fashion design

Course Modules

Color Theory for Fashion Garment & Composition Textiles History of Costume Contemporary Fashion, Styles & Trends Fashion Marketing & Merchandising Fashion Drawing Fashion Draping Sewing Applications Women’s Wear Drafting

Learn how to bring your design ideas to life!

Men’s Wear Fashion Sketching Design Research & Development Digital Designing for Fashion Sewing Techniques Project Workshop Mini Collection Workshop Pattern Aided Design, Grading and Costing Academic Research & Communication Skills Fashion Communication
Design Research Men’s Wear & Women’s Wear Collection Sustainable Design & Subculture Design Futures Internship Drafting & Draping Techniques

Pay Packet

The Starting monthly package can be around Rs.10, 000 to Rs.15, 000. With experience, you will acquire maturity in designing skills and a few years down the line your salary would be in the range of Rs.30, 000 to Rs.40, 000 per month. Of course, if you become a reputed designer you could demand the world. Great fashion designers salary always shows an upward moving trend. However, hard work and a conscious effort to update the latest trends in the fashion industry are imperative.

Top Companies

Fashion houses run by top fashion designers such as: Abu Jani, JJ Valaya, Manish Malhotra, Neeta Lulla, Rina Dhaka, Ritu Beri, Ritu Kumar, Rohit Bal,  Sandeep Khosla, Tarun Tahiliani and so on. Top notch garment and textile export houses.Textile and fabric manufacturing units & Exclusive and branded fashion showrooms.
Steps for getting placed

  1. Make a great portfolio that showcases your creative talents
  2. Apprenticeship under a well-known designer is desirable for getting hired in this industry
  3. Thoroughly research the market before making a foray into it
  4. Do freelancing for fashion houses and boutiques
  5. Be creative, exclusive and innovative
  6. Don’t be impulsive and impatient
  7. Don’t get disheartened by rejections, understand your drawbacks and work on it
  8. Start affordable and once you have proved yourself, you can go for the stars

Fashion & Design

National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Entrance Test 
Purpose-For Admission in Design, Management and Technology for the international fashion business
Eligibility- Class 12, 12+, Graduate
Application mode -Online, By Post
National Institute of Design Admissions 
Purpose-Admission to 4 year GDPD & 2.5 Year PGDPD
Eligibility- Class 12, 12+, G
Application mode -By Post
All India Entrance Examination for Design (AIEED)
Purpose-Admission in 4 years UG level programmes in Design
Eligibility-Class 11, 12 Application mode - Online
Other Design Schools & Exams
1Srishti School
2School of Fashion Technology
3Pearl Academy
4Symbiosis Institute of Design
5Footwear Design and Development Institute
6Maeer's MIT Institute of Design
7National Institute of Design
8National Institute of Fashion Design
9National Aptitude Test in
10Center for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT)