
PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana)


Warm Greeting From NCSM, DELHI !!!!

FAQ's on Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)

1. Why is this Scheme beneficial for Training Providers?
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) is the flagship outcome-based skill training scheme of the new Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). The objective of this skill certification and reward scheme is to enable and mobilize a large number of Indian youth to take up outcome based skill training and become employable and earn their livelihood. The Scheme will allow Training Partners to attract students and provide an opportunity to operate centers in greater capacity than before and also achieve economies of scale.

2. Do Training Partners have a role to play during the mobilisation activities under the Scheme?
State governments and local administration would be the primary facilitators of mobilisation activities such as Skill Melas and Recruitment Drives. Training Partners can support the authorities in terms of counselling of the potential candidates and other related activities.

3. What is NOS and QP? How do we get access to those?
National Occupational Standards (NOSs) specify the standard of performance that an individual must achieve when carrying out a particular activity in the workplace, together with the knowledge and understanding they need to meet that standard consistently. Each NOS defines one key function in a job role. In their essential form, NOSs describe functions, standards of performance and knowledge / understanding. Qualification pack is a set of NOSs, aligned to a job role, called Qualification Packs (QPs), would be available for every job role in each industry sector QPs as on 31st March 2015 are available on the PMKVY website. SSCs would provide updated lists of QPs and NOSs for the Pilot Phase of the Scheme.

4. How do a Training Partner get affiliated under PMKVY?
All the Training Partners interested in participating in PMKVY would be required to get affiliated with the respective Sector Skill Council. Interested Training Partners will have to align their courses based on the National Occupational Standards (Level 1-4) which are available on the NSDC website.
NSDC Training Partners would get auto affiliated for the sectors defined in their term sheets. Other Training Partners would need to submit hard copy of the application form along with copies of all the relevant documents to the concerned SSC(s) as per SSC’s affiliation process. The Training Partner would be required to declare upfront all training centers where training would be conducted during the scheme duration. The Affiliation protocol is available on PMKVY website.

5. Do the Training Partners that participated in STAR need to get affiliated again for PMKVY?
Training Partners that participated in STAR, need to undergo the affiliation process afresh for PMKVY.

6. Is there any Affiliation Fee that needs to be paid?
Training Providers interested in getting affiliated to one or more SSCs are required to check respective SSC website for any fee towards registration/ affiliation.

7. Would the Training Partner targets be redistributed by SSC, if new Training Partner affiliation happens or new centers of the same Training Provider opens up during the Scheme year?
SSCs will be allocated target numbers on quarterly basis by NSDC on performance parameters. SSCs would further distribute the target numbers amongst the affiliated Training Providers. SSCs will keep some buffer to accommodate new Training Partners and new centers of the existing Training Partners for the duration of the Scheme.

8. What information is a Training Partner expected to capture at the time of enrolling a candidate?
At the time of enrolment, along with the name, address and other details of a candidate, Training Partners need to capture Aadhaar number along with other IDs such as EPIC (Elector's Photo Identity Card) and PAN (Permanent Account Number).

9. How is the Aadhaar number being used for the Scheme? 
A candidate can get enrolled and trained under PMKVY by providing his/ her mobile number and other alternate IDs such as EPIC (Elector's Photo Identity Card) and PAN (Permanent Account Number). The Training Partner must facilitate enrolment of a candidate for Aadhaar. The Aadhaar number is only being used to ensure that a candidate does not avail of the monetary reward more than once during the Scheme.

10. How can Training Partners open Bank accounts?
The banking activity under PMKVY has been classified under the following three points: A. Training Partner can charge Full Fee Upfront A Training Partner is free to charge (and should charge) the complete training fee from the trainee. If the trainee undertakes the Training by paying upfront to the Training Provider, trainee can provide any Bank account details and should not sign any Undertaking and will receive the complete Monetary Reward in their bank account (any bank account which the Trainee provides). B. Training Partners may work with designated Banks for PMKVY In case the Training Partner choses to extend credit to a few students in the batch (it is done at their own discretion), TP can work with the Banks which are designated for PMKVY to open bank accounts with specific Auto-debit facility. Information about the banks shall be communicated with the stakeholders shortly. Please Note, NSDC will not be anytime responsible for any mis-credit/failed Auto-Debit to the TP’s account. The Training Partner has to abide by the Terms & Conditions of the Bank & NSDC to explore this option. C. Training Providers can work with their own Banking Network The Training Partner is free to explore their own Banking arrangements with any Bank (Nationalized/Private) if they do not want to adhere to the terms & conditions laid in step B. In this case the Auto-Debit (if they choose to extend credit) & opening of Zero balance bank accounts will be managed by the Training Providers themselves.

11. Can Training Providers provide training to the candidates on credit basis?
How does this arrangement work? Training Partners can provide credit to the trainee, at their discretion. However, the trainee will have to pay the assessment fees upfront to the Training Provider. Once, the trainee passes the assessment and is certified by the SSC, the monetary reward will be transferred to the bank account of the certified candidate. Any amount owed by the candidate to the Training Partner needs to be through a formal arrangement between the parties. All the undertakings/ deeds pertaining to such an arrangement must be properly recorded and be made available to PMKVY officials for verification. NSDC is not responsible for any such arrangements.

12. Who decides the cost of training?
Training Partners would determine training fee as per the prevailing market conditions. Moreover, it is expected that Training Providers have rational fee structure and maintain the quality of the training to align with the QP-NOS.

13. What happens to the training fee if the trainee wants to drop out in the middle of the program?
The decision authority of training cost refund is Training Partner themselves. Assessment cost however can’t be refunded as they are paid to the SSC.

14. Who will pay the money to the Training Partner if the candidate is on credit and drops out without giving the assessment?
Training Partner will bear the risk if the trainee doesn’t get certified because of not appearing for assessment or not being able to clear it.

15. Is franchising and sub-contracting allowed under the Scheme?
Training Providers affiliated with SSCs for PMKVY may enter into a direct franchisee agreement with other Training Providers to provide training. Please note that only one level of franchising is allowed under PMKVY. PMKVY affiliated Training Providers must enter into a formal agreement with their franchise partners as per the guidelines given in Process Manual. The Training Partner has to share every franchisee agreement with the Sector Skill Council that they are affiliated with and must get the center approved by the respective SSC before any enrolments can happen at those franchisee centers. However, in case a Sector Skill Council, as part of their MOU/ Undertaking with the Training Partner, does not allow franchisee centers to conduct training, then the direction from the Sector Skill Council will supersede this clause. It is the responsibility of the Training Providers to allocate targets for training to the franchisee partners for the job roles they have signed agreement. It is the responsibility of the Training Providers to monitor activities of their franchisee centers including adherence to the Process Manual and complying with it. Furthermore, all the Training Providers need to submit monthly monitoring reports of their franchisee centers to the concerned SSCs, highlighting action taken against the complaints received. The Affiliated Training Partners or the Franchised Training Centers are not allowed to sub-contract any training activities further. Any such case, if found, will be considered as a violation of PMKVY process and the affiliated Training Partner will be blacklisted and de-affiliated from PMKVY. However, the affiliated Training Partner or the Franchisee Training Centers may utilize the services of other agencies to mobilize students.

16. Can the Training Partners provide training at franchisee centers?
Training Partners that are affiliated to any of the Sector Skill Councils (SSC) under PMKVY are allowed to conduct training at any of their own centers or their franchisee centers strictly as per the list of centers shared by them with respective SSC(s) and NSDC.
At all times, the Training Partner needs to be vigilant that its franchisee training centers do not sub-franchise the training. Any such activity found will be considered as non-compliance and may result in de-affiliation of the Training Partner from participating in PMKVY.

17. Who will do the assessment of the trainees?
SSC would allocate an Assessment Agency and Assessment Date to a batch within 5 days of its start. On the scheduled day, a certified Assessor would carry out the assessment against the relevant QP-NOS and report back the results as well as the feedback obtained from the candidates. The format for capturing the feedback of the candidates is present in the Process Manual for the Scheme.

18. How do Training Partners know the assessment Criteria?
Assessment criteria against each course will be prepared by SSC on the basis of performance criteria within QPs and will published on the Scheme website for reference.

19. Is a Training Partner allowed to provide training and conduct assessments in the same sector?
A Training Partner cannot conduct assessments in the same sector in which she/ he is providing training to the candidates.

20. Will the Training Provider have any share in the money collected for assessments?
Training Provider would collect the assessment fee along with the training fee from the trainee. They will submit the assessment fee to the Sector Skill Council on the first day of each training batch.

21. How would the Training Provider remit the assessment fees to the concerned SSC?
Training Providers would need to transfer the cumulative assessment fee to the SSC on first day of commencement of batch through electronic bank transfer/ DD or cheque.

22. Can individual Assessors and Trainers be a part of the Scheme?
Yes, the Assessors and Trainers can do so after undergoing training for Job Roles for Levels 5 & 6, for Trainers/ Assessors and being certified by the Sector Skill Council. These Assessors and Trainers can also opt for certifications under Recognition or Prior Learning (RPL) tenet of PMKVY. However, to be eligible for monetary reward, they need to be enrolled as a trainee and undergo training from an affiliated Training Partner as is the case with all other trainees.

23. Can Training Providers delete duplicate Candidates on SDMS?
PMKVY process manual does not allow deletion of any candidate, once uploaded on SDMS. Training Providers are expected to check their candidates’ data before uploading the batches on SDMS. Uploading of duplicate candidates’ data will be monitored and action will be taken against the Training Providers as per the consequence management guidelines.

24. Whom do I contact for the refund of Assessment fees of duplicate batches uploaded on SDMS?
Please note that duplicate batches are not allowed under PMKVY. Training Providers will be monitored for uploading duplicate batches. Training Providers to provide transaction detail of assessment fee submission to SSCs as per process manual and get it approved by the SSCs. Training Providers must maintain a record and reconcile the fee paid to SSCs. Both TP and SSCs will be held responsible for their inability to reconcile assessment fee of batch. Such activities and grievances will be monitored and dealt as per the consequence management guidelines.

25. How is Service Tax accounted?
The Scheme has been exempted from service tax on training and assessment cost.

26. Who will bear the printing cost of the certification?
Training Partner will receive the PDF form of the certificate. Training Partners are required to print the certificate at their own expense.

27. Can multiple copies of the certificates be printed by Training Partner, if one gets spoiled?
Yes, Training Partner will receive PDF certificates and they can print duplicate if the certificates get spoiled or misplaced. The QR code printed on the certificate will help in uniquely identifying the certified candidate.

28. Is placement being tracked after the training?
Training is intended to develop and certify skills against industry standards. It is to be viewed as an opportunity to becoming employable. The Scheme in itself doesn’t guarantee any placement. However, it is recommended that Training Partners track the trainee’s placement informally and update it on the SDMS. PMKVY Scheme provides incentive to the Training Partners based on the candidates placed after successful training. The incentive is Rs. 475 per placed candidate for achieving 70% placements in a batch against the number of certified candidates. Training Providers would track the candidates for three months for ensuring successful placement and submit relevant documents substantiating the placement.

29. Can the Training Partners advertise their training programmes under PMKVY? 
Training Partners can advertise their training programmes using standard communication approved by NSDC. The standardised poster formats are available on PMKVY website. Use of any other poster/ flyer/ text messages/ e-mails or any document (electronic or physical) contradicting the message and outcomes of PMKVY will be considered as a violation of the Scheme process and appropriate actions shall be taken against the defaulter, including de-affiliation from participating in PMKVY in future.

30. Are the Training Partners allowed to use the NSDC/ SSC logo for advertising and display purposes?
Training Providers who are not NSDC Partners are not allowed to use the NSDC logo in any of their communication, other than the communication prepared by NSDC. Such Training Providers are allowed to only use the logo of the SSC(s) that they are affiliated to, with prior written approval of the SSC, along with PMKVY logo.

For Any query or doubt regarding the project kindly revert back to me.
Awaiting for your very quick response.
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  1. PMKVY(Prime minister skill development scheme) is a plan launched by Government of India in which young generaration will get a chance to avail free and education and placement facility
    And the trainee fee will be paid by the government to the trainer according to the candidate it will educate.
    If some one wish to open their own training centre can contact Muskan one of the renowned partners of PMKVY (Pradhan mantri Kaushal vikas Yojana) or vsit

  2. PMKVY is one of the greatest idea launched by government of india for the young generation.
    Pmkvy plan will them achieveing skill in their interested field and a opportunity to get a good job with a good income .
    now the youth can also contribute to make India developed and a skilled country.
    For more information or to resolve your queries you can contact Muskan or visit

  3. PMKVY is a Superb idea for the young generation now more and more people will get employed and India’s poverty will get declined..
    Through Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana every youth will get a chance to get self employed and to get a better income job and held reducing poverty.
    You can contact Muskan an NGO works for the welfare of the society or visit

  4. PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) is a very great initiative taken by government of india.. now more and more people will get chance to get employed.
    Nice scheme announced by our prime minister Modi Jii. A free education plan for the youth that will help them get employed.
    For more details you can contact Muskan the leading partners of PMKVY .
    Or visit

  5. PMKVY is a Superb idea for the young generation now more and more people will get employed and India’s poverty will get declined..
    Through Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana every youth will get a chance to get self employed and to get a better income job and held reducing poverty.
    You can contact Muskan an NGO works for the welfare of the society or visit

  6. In the advanced era of the technology beside the use of the techniques one should also have the skills to carry with the work. If you are searching for the job then skills are the key factors to check the work of the candidate. Better the skills to do the practical work better you can gain more income. Government is trying to solve the problem due to unemployed. By the launching of the various schemes.

  7. India, with its vast population and a significant percentage of youth, has immense potential to become a global leader in various sectors. However, to harness this potential, it is essential to equip the youth with the right skills. Recognizing this need, the Government of India launched the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) in 2015. This flagship scheme under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship aims to empower the youth by providing them with industry-relevant skills training, thereby enhancing their employability. Organizations like the Indira Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission (IGCSM) are also playing a crucial role in supporting and advancing this government initiative.
